Natural Diamond Provenance
— Unique provenance with a sustainable legacy
A symbol of enduring strength, a journey providing opportunity, sustainable impact and positive outcomes, and a value that lasts for generations.
Ethical practice
Desire to buy from trusted brands, to purchase more sustainably and to know how a diamond is sourced are key focus areas of diamond consumers, and essential to the values of the diamond industry.
The World Diamond Council states that diamonds are the most controlled mineral in the world:
of diamonds are sourced through large-scale, fully controlled and stock-listed companies
of diamonds are sourced through artisanal small scale mining operations
Responsible Sourcing
The diamond industry enforces regulation and transparency throughout the value chain through a combination of industry-wide initiatives, certification programmes, and traceability systems.

At Petra
We only operate in countries which are members of the Kimberley Process and will never sell diamonds mined from unknown sources, providing assurance that 100% of our production is certified as ‘conflict-free’.
Partnerships such as that which Petra hold, by Boodles, enable consumers to discover the story of their diamonds. The Peace of Mined collection is exclusively sourced from Cullinan Mine.
Transparency through the value chain
Transactions in diamond bourses are typically conducted using a standard set of rules and procedures to ensure transparency, fairness, and reliability. All traders need to be registered and are expected to have a certain degree of knowledge and relevant certificates.
Diamonds are managed by specifically assigned diamond offices, retaining physical control of all diamonds.
While stones might become mixed with others during the cutting and polishing process, these will always retain the Kimberley Process certificate.
At Petra
We are committed to a transparent and equitable sales process and proud to offer the majority of our production for sale in Johannesburg, thereby contributing to beneficiation in Africa.
Technological progress
We see a future where diamonds will not only be fully traceable throughout the value chain, but also able to tell their story – not just which mine they come from, but how many people that mine has employed, its environmental footprint and community impact.
To date, the diamond mining industry has begun trialling tracking technologies (including Blockchain and artificial intelligence) to improve traceability. These aim to provide a secure, tamper-proof ledger that records the origin, ownership and traceability to consumers.
At Petra
We are researching blockchain technologies and how they might be incorporated into its sales process and from March 2024 we will be trialing the new technology developed by a collaboration between Sarine and Tracr™ providing a scalable, cost effective solution for use in tracing diamonds from their source to the point of entry into G7 countries.
Building a sustainable legacy
Giving expression to life’s special moments and providing longlasting benefits for all involved in their remarkable journey.
People and partnerships
- Supporting the livelihoods of over 10 million people worldwide
- 80% of the value created by natural diamond recovery is retained by local communities
- Providing healthcare for more than 4 million people
- Offering access to education around the world
- Empowering women in business

At Petra
100% of our production is fully traceable and we aim to source all the goods and services we use from the countries in which we are located, empowering local economic development and education, and safeguarding the surrounding environment in which we work.
Safeguarding the environment
- Supporting conservation programmes and protecting endangered species
- Safeguarding protected over 1000 square miles of natural land
At Petra
At Petra responsible consumption and production are at the forefront of our operational planning, with a dedicated focus on improved energy and water usage, responsible waste management and biodiversity protection and rehabilitation.
Chemical reagents involved in ore processing
Of water is recycled
Energy consumption from renewables in SA from FY 2026
Our GHG target
Petra is committed to reducing its GHG profile and to generate zero emissions on a net basis for scopes 1 and 2 by 2050.
However, we aspire to reach this goal by 2040 or earlier and have put in place a 2030 GHG reduction target for scope 1 and 2 emissions of 35-40%, based on our 2019 base line.