Our Sustainability Framework
Our sustainability framework has been created to integrate into Petra’s day-to-day operations and to create and sustain value for all key stakeholders in the short, medium and long-term.
Our Sustainability Framework is underpinned by four pillars which inform balanced day-to-day decision making, while ensuring a sustainable long-term future for Petra.
Valuing Our People
- Safety
- Health, hygiene & wellness
- Diversity & inclusion
- Training, development and upskilling
Respecting Our Planet
- Climate change
- Water Management
- Circular Economy
- Biodiversity
Driving Shared Value Partnerships
- Stakeholder relations
- Community and social investment
- Responsible sourcing
Delivering Reliable Production
- Mining to plan
- Processing to plan
- Asset reliability
- Capex and Opex efficiencies
Continuous Business Improvement
Production Efficiency / Business Process Improvements / Digitalisation & Innovation
Ethical & responsible business practices, good governance and constructive, transparent stakeholder engagement
Specifically created to ensure seamless integration of our sustainability ambitions with our business strategy and strategic objectives:
Business strategy
Driving the optimisation of our diversified asset base to deliver consistent production, revenue and free cashflow to maximise stakeholder value all underpinned by our focus on safety and sustainability.
Strategic objectives
- Work responsibly
- Drive optimisation
- Consistent delivery
Sustainability ambition
Focuses on creating a sustainable business while supporting a shared value proposition for all our key stakeholders as well as supporting our business strategy.
Sustainability framework
Provides the blueprint for Petra to be a more sustainable and responsible Company that underpins our business strategy and ambitions.
Sustainability pillars and outcomes
Pillar 1: Valuing our People
Provide a safe workplace, attract and retain high-performing employees and invest in employees development and growth.
Pillar 2: Respecting our Planet
Minimise our environmental footprint with a focus on water, carbon and waste.
Pillar 3: Driving shared value Partnerships
Provide a safe workplace, attract and retain high-performing employees and invest in employees development and growth.
Pillar 4: Delivering reliable Production
Optimise production through our diverse asset base to attract investors and capital inflow.
SDGs relevant to Petra

Promote inclusive
and sustainable
economic growth,
employment and
improve living

Encourages more
consumption and
production patterns
(water, waste, energy)

Focuses on
managing forests
reducing degraded
natural habitats
and ending
biodiversity loss

Seeks to ensure
health and well-being for all, at every stage of life

Aims at ensuring
inclusive and
equitable quality
education and
promote lifelong
opportunities for all
Our identified aspects and chosen focus areas also contribute to other SDGs; Petra will report on contributions to all SDGs where relevant and applicable but will focus on the 5 selected SDGs.