Upholding the value of natural diamonds
A diamond does not just represent a unique piece of Earth’s exquisite beauty, but each one captures a story in its journey – from where and how it has been sourced, the people and communities it has touched, and the surrounding environment that has been impacted as a result.
Every Petra diamond is ethically and responsibly sourced. We are committed to protecting our people and planet with the aim of leaving a positive lasting legacy.
Our sustainability journey
Since 2008 Petra has managed and discloses its performance on the most material ESG issues.
Petra produces its first standalone Sustainability Report including GRI disclosure
Petra commences climate change disclosure with CDP
Petra’s Sustainability Report becomes partially assured
Petra commences development of its Climate Change Adaption Strategy
Petra produces its inaugural GHG Emissions Report
Petra commences water security disclosure with CDP
Petra publishes its inaugural TCFD Report
Petra commits to reducing its GHG profile announcing its GHG reduction targets
Establishment of the multi-stakeholder engagement forum.
Publication of climate change position statement.
Petra enters into long-term Power Purchase Agreements to supply between 36-72% of the expected load requirement of its South African operations with renewable energy from FY 2026.
Our Sustainability Framework
Creating a safe workplace, being environmentally responsible, supporting local economic development, and ensuring a diverse and empowered workforce is at the core of our business and embedded throughout our operating model.
Valuing our People
Empowering our people to realise their full potential to deliver extraordinary outcomes.
Respecting our Planet
Safeguarding our climate and environmental health.
Driving shared value Partnerships
Partnering to provide enduring benefit for future generations.
Delivering Reliable Production
A focus on continuous improvement to ensure for safe and efficient operations.
14 June 2024
World Blood Donor Day
On World Blood Donor Day, Employees from the Cullinan Mine came together and donated…

17 May 2024
World Hypertension Day
On World Hypertension Day, we want to emphasize the importance of regular blood pressure…

15 May 2024
7 Fatality Free Years
Petra is celebrating 7 fatality free years by: • Putting health and safety first…